The Problem

You NEED to watch this if you are a Property Investor, Share Trader or Small Business Owner and feel that you are NOT getting the Results you want. I’m Duncan Buchanan and this was me over 10 years ago. You’ve strived to get to where you are and You don’t want to make more mistakes. […]

Keeping It Real – Case Studies

In this VIDEO I’m going to share with you a few real case studies of what others have achieve by making Intelligent Investing decisions. There are more case studies and testimonials you can read and watch (see the link above). However these quick examples is my effort to show you successful results that can be […]

The Solution

I honestly believe that everyone is on this planet to enjoy life as much as they can. What would if feel like if you were able to Enjoy MORE of what you WANT in life. What are your Goals? What do you Aspire to? Be in a place where through authentic, lifestyle based intelligent decisions […]

The 3-Step Solution

The 3 Step Investing Freedom Blueprint What would you do, if you do more of what makes you happy? Would your life be different from what it is now? Using a replicable 3-step blueprint is key. You can apply this to whatever you invest in. Why? Because it’s about aligning your personal goals, dreams and […]

Pitfalls to Avoid

It’s exciting when people experience an ‘awakening’ and a desire to enjoy more of what they want in life. But there are key mistakes and pitfalls that is easy to fall in to. These can be avoided if you know what to look for and to adjust your decisions. If you’re already taking action or […]