I don’t know how to make money… I don’t even know where to start

wheredoistartWhilst this may in your mind be a very true and valid thought – please understand it is just that.  A THOUGHT!

This is not really a money myth, but rather an excuse. (WHOA…did I just say that)

Now “Hold On” I hear you say.  “If I knew how to do better with my investments then I would”.  Well, my question simply is “Then why aren’t you?”

This is where there is a direct link between what you are naturally good at and what you want from your lifestyle. 

What you actually crave Versus the types of investments you are making and also how you are managing your finances…your money.

Not knowing the next step is NORMAL people.  It’s a completely normal experience.  What separates the good investors from the not-so-good investors are the ones that seek out education and assistance so they can find out what the next step is.

What is good for your neighbour, your friends or your parents does not mean it’s good for you.

Once you get a plan and you can LINK your investment plan back to enjoyable experiences then you will be able have the experiences you deserve.

All of these challenging mindsets come from two main problems:

a. Not understanding money and how it works.

b. Having subconscious negative associations with the idea of money.

Whether you’re struggling with one, or both of these, you’re going to have a hard time with money til you remediate the mindset.

Just like developing any new skill or getting better at something you are already doing, you’ve got to take the time to understand investing, money and finances so that you can create better positive associations around it.

Once you are better educated – you will make better decisions.  This is different to just ‘knowing more stuff’.  That alone will give you stuff all.

Information is not power.  It’s cluttered and irrelevant until you do something with it.  Until you are EDUCATED extra information will simply bog you down and over-whelm you.

Maybe a simple first step is to learn HOW to align your personal lifestyle goals with your investment goals.

Learn what the different types of investments are and which ones are suited to you.

And discover the effective tools to then track and measure your investment results. 

This is exactly what you benefit from in the 6 Week Online Training course.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

Unlimited access to all the training videos, downloads and resources that you can access over and over again. 

And really get educated about developing a STRATEGY that is flexible and suited to your personal needs.

Click HERE to check it out.

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