Listen to Your Heart

listentoyourheartWhy is it that we come up with excuses?

Why is it that we have opportunities that exist in life and we always try to justify to ourselves why it’s not going to work?

There’s one key reason why we keep coming up with excuses and we keep trying to justify why its not going to work.  

To start with, I want to put a big call out to the person that inspired my inner self, my subconscious and then really resonated with this message.

And that person is Preston Smiles.

And here’s the thing,  I was listening to this podcast and Preston shared a message.   And he said there is a saying that he lives by.  And I tell you what.

This is something that has stuck and has resonated with me.

And the reason is has resonated with me – is because as an investment strategic coach, I spend so much time one on one with clients who want to get to that next level of investing.

And the reason they want to get to that next level of investing is because they want to have a life.  They want to be with their family.  They want to have experiences.

They don’t want to be fearful.  They don’t want to be living their life thinking “I don’t know if this is possible”.

And Preston said this:

“Love will find a way, everything else will find and excuse.”  

And that I reckon my friends is one of the key reasons why, if you want to take your financial investing to that next level, I’d suggest you want to do it for the right reasons.

Do it from your heart, because when you come from a place of pure authenticity, when you come from a place of

‘how can I use these funds to better serve others’

and its not from a place of selfish…from a place of greed – or a place of lack.

And thinking that other people should miss out so you should have more.

Then Love will find a way.  Everything else; every time you come up with an excuse, it’s because you’re not living it.  You’re not making a decision from your true self.

Every time you try and justify a decision or a point that you don’t think is going to work.  It’s simply because you’re not coming from a pace of love.  It’s simply because you’re not coming from a place of true self.  It’s simply because you’re not listening to your heart and your inner self.

But maybe listen to the universe and say “You know what. I know there is a reason that this is going to work.  And I’m going to make sure that it actually happens.”  Take heed to that message.

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