Author Archives: Duncan

Creating Memories And Experiences

Life has a lot to offer and all the memories we make and experiences that we have, whether good or bad, are a testament to that. Nonetheless, no one really likes bad memories or experiences, though at some point in time when you grow older, they might make for a good laugh. In the digital day and age, one might find it a little difficult to create lasting memories and experiences and the great dilemma therefore becomes how to do that.

Here are five ways you can enjoy creating lasting memories & experiences:

  1. Your friends

Friends are the very first step to creating memories and experiences because they all bring different interesting ideas to the table that you can all experiment on. You should be wise in your choice of friends to avoid negative influences. The key emphasis here however, is to make friends beyond the screen. Even though social media has made socializing easier, it is important that you spend quality time with your friends off the screen.

  1. Get out into the real, three-dimensional world

Yet another key aspect of creating memories and experiences is getting out and about. Whether you are going to a party, sport game, library or some other location you can share this with others or even just go by yourself. And when then – have fun while at it.

  1. Get out of your comfort zone (or do something different)

Nothing interesting ever comes from fear. To have a really memorable experience, you need to be able to exceed your own expectations by going out of your comfort zone. I’m not saying that you should throw the rulebook out. Or put yourself into a situation that invokes fear and an absolute desire to move on from it as soon as possible.

On the contrary, you shouldn’t go to the absolute extreme unless you’re been the decision to. However, you should still be able to do something daring that you would never have done or imagined yourself doing before. Getting out of your comfort zone can be as simple as doing something different rather than the same, repetitive, certain, comfortable action.

  1. Welcome the input of others

In the pursuit of a memorable experience, one should not exercise authoritative dominance. Remember that you are sharing the moment with others and therefore, you should not ruin their experience at the expense of your own. Welcome the ideas that other people have to offer and follow the consensus, unless in situations where you are uncomfortable with the idea.

Listen more than talk. Ask questions and become genuinely interested in your conversation. And to REALLY get something amazing from it. Become aware of your own thoughts, judgment and emotions as you interact with the other person.

  1. Make a record of the experience

Whether you take a picture, a video or just write a journal or diary, there should be a record of the event. That way you can always have something that will jog your memory about the experience. Over time, the really good memories may get lost and it is important that you have something that can bring them back to you.



Which Is More Important – Capital Growth or Cashflow?

Here is a question I recently was asked from one of my clients during our Mastermind Session:

“How can I Layer capital growth with cashflow investing strategies to protect serviceability and still be able to keep investing?”

And it’s a great question.  

This is NOT a servicing question which most people think.  It’s actually a strategy one.

See, as you know, investing involves around purchasing or acquiring an interest in an asset.  And a financial investment is designed to do one thing.

Generate money.  This may be in the form of either capital value or income.

One option when purchasing these assets is to buy for cash.  However that is not always possible and sometimes a very advantageous option is to use OPM.

Other People’s Money – and borrow.

Lending institutions will assess BOTH the existing assets & liabilities.  PLUS any proposed future investment.

And lending is MORE and more based around INCOME and the ability to prove the income is available to service the loan repayments. 

And these days – also at higher assessment rates with reduced rental rental expectancy.

So the ‘layering’ is really about – what is the STRATEGY of maintaining and acquiring financial investment assets?

What is the RESULT of each asset and then the overall RESULT of all combined assets?


This is something that is covered in detail through the Intelligent Investing Blueprint.

PLUS the online training also goes into this is some detail.  

And is then personalised through the 3 or 12 month personal consulting.  Taking your investing and finances to a whole new level.

Once this is determine and more accurate approach can be made regarding which assets are meeting your needs.

And if any need to be sold and replaced with better performing assets.

There is absolutely a need to layer capital growth assets with cashflow assets.

And this again comes back to the strategy.

Knowing the overall INTENT and then aligning the financial assets with the personal / lifestyle assets.

Capital growth will slow down in the future (and is doing so now).  So getting the cashflow secured may be a great option to position yourself for future opportunities.

But this is situationally dependant.  And something that would need to be addresses at a personal level.

Hope this helps you all a bit.



What Would I Do Differently If I Started All Over Again?

One of the most common questions I’m asked by investors wanting to improve their experiences and enjoy better success is:

“Knowing what you know now Duncan.  What would you do differently to enhance your investment portfolio?  How can I get the same success that you have?”

I usually explain that in hindsight I would have spent more time educating myself, so that I would not have made the mistakes I did in the first 10 years or so of my investing.

When I made the decision to actively understand money and finances.  I spent a lot of time (& money) buying “how to make money” type of courses.  Going to weekend workshops.  Often interstate.  so there was travel, accommodation, meals, connections and a lot of time away from family.

I got caught up into cash flow opportunities, long-term capital opportunities, Joint Ventures and more.  I tried so much but at no point did I understand what I REALLY wanted to achieve. 

What was REALLY important to me.  What was my WHY.

Now, before you tune out and think…”Yeah, yeah – another know your why comment”.  Hear me out.  It will be worth it!

My success was modelled off people I admired.  Who were achieving what I wanted.  They had similar values and lived the lifestyle that resonated with me.

Driving fast cars, owning a helicopter – sure looked amazing.  But in my heart, my family and friends and being able to empower and inspire others is what gets me excited and makes my heart burst with pleasure.

Yes, I am personally debt free.  Home fully paid off.  No personal mortgage,  car debt or personal loans of any type.  But I would have achieved this earlier, with less stress and enjoyed an even greater financial return if I knew then what I know now.


It’s what I still do today to keep growing and it’s what all successful investors do.

In my effort to achieve greater success, many years ago I discovered that my own learning and experience wasn’t enough.  It is the classic case of not being able to see the woods for the trees.

Now why is this important?

Because your learning and experiences and based on your own knowledge and beliefs.  Well what if there was another way?

What if you could just ‘tweak’ your thoughts and actions and achieve a better result – more aligned with your personal lifestyle and values.

So I started to look elsewhere and turned to books, teachers, mentors, consultants and coaches for advice.

And guess what?  Books recounted stories, teachers explained research, mentors taught from experience, consultants provided insights into best practices and coaches helped me challenge myself and be the best version of myself I could.

What this meant was that I didn’t have to start from the beginning and learn from my own mistakes.  It also meant I did not have to go it alone.

In fact, trying to achieve everything by myself was just dumb.  Dumb, as well as scary, unsafe and wasted loads and loads of time.

I could start where someone else had left off. I could give up my need to “do” in order to “learn”.

In fact, I could learn faster.


I guess the main reason was I thought it was the best way to learn. 

I also thought doing it all myself would save me money – but in fact it cost me lots.

Experience is an expensive teacher.

When I eventually recognised I didn’t have to do it myself or learn from my own mistakes – it was one of my biggest “aha’s”.

In fact I sometimes joke that some of my best thinking was done by other people.

My advice is you should do the same.  Because when you do, you can often repeat their success.  And this DOES NOT mean do it exactly the same.  Instead, MODEL from them.

This is why you carefully select role models.  Not role copiers.

The KEY is not just to learn how they achieved their goals.  But more importantly, understand WHY THEY DID IT THAT WAY.

Then make your OWN DECISION.

When I realised this I started to embrace the need to become more accountable.  To myself and to those I loved.  Because it’s not enough to just read and do training.  You need to DO.  And in order to DO, you also need to BE that kind of person that does those things.

We are simply restricted by our own internal wealth programming.  And sometimes we can’t see this until someone external helps us understand it.

What this means is that your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do.

An analogy is to think of yourself as a cup.

If your cup is small you can only accumulate a small amount of money.  Any extra will spill over and you will lose it.

You simply cannot have more money than the size of your cup.

The answers is to UPGRADE your cup.

You do this by upgrading your wealth programming – the way you think and react about money.

The universe abhors a vacuum, which means if you develop a large money container wealth will rush in to fill the space.

So upgrade your way of thinking and become a bigger person and you will attract more wealth.  Most of us want to improve, grow and lift our personal ceilings of achievement.

However, don’t do this through personal trial and error alone.  It makes no sense.

So what would I do differently if I started all over again? 

Spend time & money and INVEST in yourself.  Get some personal coaching, consulting, mentoring – whatever works for you.  And learn from, be empowered by and take action from someone else who aligns with your personal values.  And you resonate with.

Invest MORE in yourself than things.



Disciplined Investment Strategy

Before you can even consider the benefits of successful investing.  There is something else you need to understand.  And that is the SECOND point I’ll cover.

Whilst I have covered the importance of a Disciplined Investment Strategy in the past – this is an outline of what this actually means.

However, the First Point is you need to understand is that you need to actually have an Investment Strategy first.  So what is that?

I have spoken with thousands around the world over the last 15 years and have personally coached hundreds of investors and business owners.  And what is missing in SO MANY finance & investing concepts – is a Strategy.

I believe that a Strategy is different from a Plan.  A plan is generally a set of step to achieve a specific outcome.  Whilst a Strategy is bigger picture. 

A good Investment Strategy considers other internal and external factors – so is more holistic.

So consider this – you want to go out to dinner with your significant other.  So you put together a plan.  I’m not talking about some written lengthy document.

But even unconsciously you are working with a plan.

Choose a night, pick a time.  Select a venue.  What to wear?  Going out afterwards?  Transport.  What’s on the following morning, etc etc.

Whereas the Strategy entails “If I complete the plan [going out to dinner]…Then what”  What is the BIGGER picture of this plan.

This plan being a set of action steps.

Your plan can be adjusted can’t it?  If the venue is booked – go somewhere else.  If you’ve both had a bit too much to drink – no driving.  Get at taxi.

So your plan can be adjusted to meet the strategy.  

I have gone into more detail on Strategy.  And feel free to ask me any questions on this.  But for now – Point 2.

Point 2 is the Discipline.  This is second step where most investors fail.  The MOST common failure is, as above, lacking any plan or strategy to start with.  Then when they get something like a plan – fail to follow or measure it.

Discipline is a great word.  It means “controls that is gained by using or following rules.”

Some people have great self-discipline.  Some below average.  But often this self-discipline is about the WHY?  Is it important enough?  If something is important enough to you – has enough meaning and horrible consequences you will stay disciplined.

But if it’s kinda “meh!” then it’s likely self-discipline will be a challenge.

Some, in fact most people, magnify their performance when working with others.  This is simply because the human spirit is not designed to be alone or operate by itself.  Who says that ‘Discipline’ has to be done alone.

How many ‘Fitness’ and ‘Weight Control’ groups are out there?

Having someone as a sounding board.  A mentor or coach.  Or just someone you trust.  To help keep you focused, following the plan and keeping you on track.

That’s why people pay Personal Trainers, Coaches, Consultants, Play in Sports Teams, etc.

Disciplined Investing is about working to a strategy.  Following rules & guidelines.  Even if you don’t feel like it.  But you MUST UNDERSTAND and take RESPONSIBILITY for what is happening.

A Disciplined Investment Strategy is achieved through regular, frequent ‘check-ins’.  Helping you stay the course.

So a recap – First – actually develop or have someone help you, develop your own personalised Investment Strategy.

Second – get support around ‘staying on track’.  Do it yourself if you have the self-control & focus.  Or accelerate your results and minimise the mistakes by getting someone (or others) to help you out.


Priority Management

Most people opt for time management and completely ignore priority management. While, it is a little known approach to task completion, it is very powerful and effective and experts might even attest to it being more effective than time management. Either way, a combination of both should make things more efficient. Proper application of priority management to a given task follows a certain procedure.

Identify all the tasks to be completed

For any given project, regardless of how simple and trivial it might seem, there are always key tasks that need to be completed. Priority management requires that you identify each task and what it entails. This is generally where you break down your project into simplified tasks and figure out the goals of accomplishment in each task.

Organise the tasks into group order

After identifying the tasks, you should then assess which ones are similar.  From here group all like tasks into a single group.  It is often easier to ‘get into a zone’ by completing similar tasks all in one go.  For example, if your tasks are all related to ‘Gardening’ then group them together.  Similarly, several tasks may all be ‘Marketing’ related.  See how this may work for you.


This is the heart of priority management and should not be taken lightly. After organising the tasks, it is important that your prioritise them. Some tasks have a greater priority than others and it is your goal to find those with greater priority and start on them. You should create a hierarchy system to determine the priority of each task. For instance, in a marketing project, does social media marketing take priority over email marketing? Analyse the priority of each task based on the required resources against the available resources, the amount of time it would take to see viable and applicable results and the value of the task to the overall project, that is, its contribution to the successful completion of the project.

Benefits of priority management

  • Simplification

By organizing and prioritizing your work, you have a simpler procedure to follow, making the work easier. At the same time, you have clear objectives on what is to be done and when it should be done.

  • Time management

An added bonus, priority management helps improve your time management. Based on your priorities, you can determine how much time should be spent on a given task and how to manage your overall time throughout the project.

  • Realistic approach to the project

With priority management, you set realistic goals that can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time. There aren’t any extreme expectations which might affect the progress of the project.


Teaching Kids About Self Worth

Confidence, esteem, and self-worth are one of the struggles we encounter in life. As we go on with our life, we tend to learn and experience things that build us as we are now. 
Experience is our best teacher, and these experiences are what we tend to teach or share with your kids. Teaching your child at a young age about self-worth is a hard thing to do, but this will be a very important foundation as they grow older. 
Self-worth is being developed by feeling accepted and being praised in their accomplishments. As a parent, it’s your job to influence them on how they feel about themselves and their self-worth. It is easier to compliment a child in their early days because you both have a lesser expectations, and you can praise even the small achievements. 
But building a child’s self-esteem is not just pure praising and complimenting. A child must also develop it by themselves. 
Here are some tips and guides on how you can help your child to develop their self-worth.
Start it with yourself
If you are being negative or being pessimistic about yourself, your child might also be affected by this. Having these feelings can be seen and felt by your child. This may lead it to them feeling the same way.
Give them your attention
Parental attention is very delicate for youngsters, make them feel that they are attended and much appreciated. This will help them realize that they are worthy of your time and attention.
Teach them about the real world
Kids also learn from experiences, teach them on kid stuffs like coloring, singing, dancing that will gain them confidence in their abilities. Teach them on practical home chores so they will be prepared to step-up to more complex responsibilities. Don’t forget to give praise or compliments whenever they have completed a task or accomplished something.

Let them make their own choices
If you let your kids make age-appropriate choices, they will feel more independent and confident. They will feel that the choices they make will reflect on them and they will have more control in the future.
Teach them to learn from their mistakes
It’s normal for children to make mistakes, even adults also make mistakes. What is important is how you would deal about these mistakes, turn the negative results into a positive learning for them. Focus on the things that they have learned along the way so they would not commit the same mistake again. 
This will help them to try again, and be more prepared in the future.
Develop their strengths
As kids, they are more focused to excel in school. This should not be disregarded, they should really maximize their potential. Observe and know on which area your kids really excel in, and help them develop it more. In this manner, it will help them gain the confidence in their skills of expertise.
Do not compare
Comparison is a huge degrading factor for children, they tend to lose their confidence and feel inferior about themselves. Each individual has their own flaws and specialty, you should not only focus on their flaws and look for other’s excellence. Help them develop themselves and make them feel that they are still much appreciated.
Remember, a child that has developed a healthy self-esteem during their early days tend to be more successful in life and in their future.


What Money Is…And Isn’t!

As you know, I understand and believe that money is an energy exchange.  It’s the transmission of value from one commodity to another.

People tell me that wealth creation is not important.  What I hear from them is “making money is hard [in their opinion] therefore I won’t prioritise it”.

Often it’s the same people who are the first to complain when they don’t have enough of the cash to relax and be free.

When you realise that money is a tool.  That money is about value and you plan and live purposefully around what money can provide – you realise some cool things.

And there are TWO unique understandings I hope you can take on board when it comes to money.  These are two understandings that have transitioned my life from one of striving for higher ‘income’ to a life of peace, living debt free.

But to get to THIS point – I believe you need to understand – as in really, deeply get this.  These two unique distinctions:

  1. Money is simply a tool.  It’s a way of getting what you want – whether that’s time, travel, space, or sparkly things around your finger or neck.   Also, money is a useful tool to make more money.
  2. Money means options.  If you have money, the range of opportunities available to you – what you can do with your time – expands dramatically.

Now this second point is probably the most important.  When I consult with clients about their finance and investing goals, this is a real key motivator.

Because when you understand this – your financial and investing decisions become one of CHOICE. 

They become based around have options, flexibility and keeping things simple.

But remember the ‘flip’ side to these two points.

And that is having no money means fewer options.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet, your menu of opportunities is limited because you’re focused on making rent or the car payment tomorrow. You can’t choose what to do because your money requirements are dictating to you what you have to do.

Until you align your financial objectives with your personal lifestyle, you are spinning your wheels and going no-where.  You will get caught up ‘being busy’ but every year you can only experience the same limiting opportunities.

My MISSION is to help raise this investing and financial knowledge to a level that supports your individual needs. 

It’s NOT just about what widget to invest in.
But rather it’s about aligning your money beliefs with your personal beliefs.  Using money as a tool to enjoy experiences that are important to you.
Once you are at peace with your lifestyle decisions, then you can far easier align your investing decisions because you have a reason and a purpose.




Massive Inaction Is Causing Poor Financial Security For Business Owners & Their Families

So let’s be clear right from the outset here folks. It’s not a lack of information. It’s a clear lack of apathy.

And so often I meet business owners who are neglecting their own families.

They are spending so much time working in or even on their business – they have not paid the attention they should on the own finances.

Personal wealth creation and financial stability has been shunted aside at the expense of being ‘busy’ or productive within the business.

Here are four challenges that I am often asked to solve for business owners and their families:

  1.  Are the business structures conducive to effective profit distribution and tax minimisation?
  2.  Has the cashflow been set-up to support future business and personal leverage (borrowing) if required?
  3.  What personal assets have been put in place to support the business owner and their family ‘outside’ of business performance?
  4.  THE BIG ONE – whilst there may be a business strategy, what is their personal Finance & Investment Strategy?

And I implore fellow business owners to stop being selfish. It’s not just about your ‘baby’ your business. It’s about why you are in business in the first place.

Who are you working so hard for?

What is the ongoing experiences you PERSONALLY want to have.

Don’t put the personal financial targets and objectives in the ‘too hard’ basket. Get off your butt and get some coaching and consulting to help you focus and develop your OWN finance and investment strategy.

It is BOTH time and dollars well spent.  Where you should be able to 10x your results and 10x your knowledge and skills.



Learning Lessons Is Not Important

How often have you been asked “So what lessons did you learn from that?”

Little do most people know that this is only HALF THE QUESTION.  And very few know the second half.

Whilst it often sounds worldly or wise to ask, or self analysis “so what did I learn” – more importantly is

are you implementing these learned lessons in your actions?

I remember from school learning algebra.  And when I made errors and was corrected I learned the lessons.  And did I make the same mistake again…sometimes I did.

I also know that it would be very advantageous to start each day with deep breathing exercises, meditation and maybe a cup of warm, lemon tea.  But do I do it?  Nope.

Learning the lesson is one thing (the first half) but implementing the lessons learned is completely different.  It’s how we respond to what we have learned that is the MOST IMPORTANT part.

When we consider our relationships, our health, our finances or our personal development there are PLENTY of things to learn.

We can learn them ourselves through trial and error.  (The most common method).  Or we can get coached or guided by others (The smarted option).  However again the critical component is not so much the lessons learned –

As we learn, the ‘growth’ part is the implementation of these lessons.  It’s responding to our environment through words, beliefs or deeds.  Learning is one thing – but understanding how we respond and adapt is the real kicker.

As a finance & investment coach I have taught thousands of people over the years some really cool lessons.  Everyone has learned some great points and those people who go the next step.

Are the ones who then implement these lessons learned.  The ones who seek ongoing support to make better habits, to be held accountable and to make some purposeful decisions that will change their current situation.

So next time you are contemplating or are asked – “so what lessons have you learned?” – remember that you have two choices:

a.  acknowledge that it’s good information but you are not going to implement or use it, or
b.  determine how you will implement and respond to the learnings and make a positive change.
It’s not the ‘lessons learned’ that’s important.  It’s how you USE those lessons moving forward that will help you grow.

Good luck.  Hope there’s a good lesson here to learn 🙂

Would You Use 0.149% Of Your Year To Enjoy Financial & Lifestyle Success?

So for just 0.14% of time over the year – you would be able to enjoy finance and investment success linked directly to your lifestyle.  Interested??

I’ve met people who will exercise 1 hour a day every day.  Why?  To stay fit and healthy.

Now that’s 365 hours per year.  WOW!!

Now what about planning to go on holidays.  One of my friends spent months planning and preparing for a 1 week trip to New Zealand.  They went on a cruise, did some hiking and lots more. But there was research on flights, accommodation, transport, tour companies, insurance, activities, food, etc etc.  She estimated about 25 hours all up.  For 7 days.

I will assume that in total we will have 1 month off.  Just in holidays and being with family etc.

So let’s deduct 1 month (30 days) from our assessment.  And we will work on 335 days in the year.  That’s 335 x 24 hours = 8,040 hours per year.

Now 1 hour per day – every day is 365 hours / 8,040 days = 4.5%  So 4.5% of the hours every year is spent on exercise.

Using the holiday example.  Same formula. 25 hours / 168 hours (1 week) = 14.9%  So 14.9% of hours was spent planning the holiday.

Let’s look at our Financial Future.  If you were able to put together a Finance & Investment plan over 6 weeks.  Putting in about 2 hours per week.  That’s a total of 12 hours.  Now this Investment Strategy would be valid for at least a whole year.

Using the same formula.  12 hours / 8,040 hours = 0.14% 

So for just 0.14% of time over the year – you would be able to enjoy finance and investment success linked directly to your lifestyle.

Not even 1% of time in the year.  Not even 1/2% for the year.  Just 0.14% of time for the whole year.

In 24hour terms that’s the same as using about 2 minutes of planning to enjoy a whole day.  Would that be worth it.

Just 2 hours a week for 6 weeks would enable you to enjoy a year of financial success.  More Money with Less Stress. 

Just 0.14% of your year.

If this is something that appeals to you, click the link to learn more.

If not – please enjoy the remaining hours left in your year.

Good Luck.