Author Archives: Duncan

Listen to Your Heart

listentoyourheartWhy is it that we come up with excuses?

Why is it that we have opportunities that exist in life and we always try to justify to ourselves why it’s not going to work?

There’s one key reason why we keep coming up with excuses and we keep trying to justify why its not going to work.  

To start with, I want to put a big call out to the person that inspired my inner self, my subconscious and then really resonated with this message.

And that person is Preston Smiles.

And here’s the thing,  I was listening to this podcast and Preston shared a message.   And he said there is a saying that he lives by.  And I tell you what.

This is something that has stuck and has resonated with me.

And the reason is has resonated with me – is because as an investment strategic coach, I spend so much time one on one with clients who want to get to that next level of investing.

And the reason they want to get to that next level of investing is because they want to have a life.  They want to be with their family.  They want to have experiences.

They don’t want to be fearful.  They don’t want to be living their life thinking “I don’t know if this is possible”.

And Preston said this:

“Love will find a way, everything else will find and excuse.”  

And that I reckon my friends is one of the key reasons why, if you want to take your financial investing to that next level, I’d suggest you want to do it for the right reasons.

Do it from your heart, because when you come from a place of pure authenticity, when you come from a place of

‘how can I use these funds to better serve others’

and its not from a place of selfish…from a place of greed – or a place of lack.

And thinking that other people should miss out so you should have more.

Then Love will find a way.  Everything else; every time you come up with an excuse, it’s because you’re not living it.  You’re not making a decision from your true self.

Every time you try and justify a decision or a point that you don’t think is going to work.  It’s simply because you’re not coming from a pace of love.  It’s simply because you’re not coming from a place of true self.  It’s simply because you’re not listening to your heart and your inner self.

But maybe listen to the universe and say “You know what. I know there is a reason that this is going to work.  And I’m going to make sure that it actually happens.”  Take heed to that message.

If you enjoy these messages, remember to please LIKE the Intelligent Investing HQ Facebook Page.  To see the other regular messages, updates and opportunities.


Don’t Let 30 Seconds Ruin Your Day

You have $86,400 in your bank account and someone stole $30 from you.

Would you be so upset that you would throw all the remaining $86,370 away.

In the hope of getting back at the person who took your 30 bucks?

Or spending more and more of your remaining money just to get back that $30. 

To make it that way it was.

Or would you let it go. 

Acknowledge that they ‘had their reasons’.  And move on?

In the understanding that you no longer control that $30.  And you still control and can choose what to do with the remaining $86,370.

We all have 86,400 seconds in every day.

Don’t let someone’s negative 30 seconds ruin the rest of your 86,370 seconds.

Those 30 seconds have gone.  Your whole day (and life) is ahead of you.

What Does Money Mean To You?

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Money magnifies the person you are.

Those who are generally selfish and choose hate – well money just magnifies those primary qualities.

Those who are humble and choose good – money again magnifies that personality.

We’ve all seen how money can have the power to create or the power to destroy.

It can fund a dream or start a war.

You can provide money as a gift or yield it as a weapon.

It can be used as an expression of your spirit, your creativity, your idea’s – or your frustration, your anger, your hate.

It can be used to influence governments and individuals.

So we all know, that on some level money is simply an ILLUSION.

These days Money isn’t even gold or paper.  It’s one’s and zero’s on a screen. So what is Money…really?

Money is simply a form of energy. 

It will take on whatever ENERGY we give it.

If it’s used in pain and frustration – that is what it will attract.

If it used for joy and happiness – again it will magnify those emotions.

Because what are we ‘transacting’.  We are transacting in experiences.  We will ‘exchange’ money for an experience.

If you are buying clothes – they provide you an experience, maybe of comfort.

If you are paying insurance – it is for an experience, maybe of security.

If you are booking a holiday – it is for an experience, maybe of fun and excitement.

In the end, I believe money isn’t what we are after…is it?

What we really want it the feeling’s, the emotions, that we believe money can provide.

So often we use money to experience emotions such as that feeling:

  • of empowerment
  • of freedom
  • of security
  • of helping those we love and those in need
  • of having choice and of feeling alive

Money is certainly one of the ways we can turn the dreams we have into the reality we live in.

And the one thing is for sure: You either use it, or it uses you.

You either master money, or on some level, money masters you!!!

How you deal with money reflects how you deal with your primary emotions.

Is it an affliction or a blessing?

A game or a burden?

What does money mean for you?

Why Investment Decisions FAIL Without an End Result

bigstock-Young-woman-looking-through-a-48266162Why is it that some action steps seem to produce far better results than others?

Why is it that if you repeat the same action steps again – it’s most likely that you will get a different results – either slightly better or worse.  But not the same.  Why is that?

I was chatting with a group of investors last night and a question that one of them asked me was – they wanted to know about a specific type of property development deal, called a splitter block or maybe a subdivision?  How do they find one and where should they start?

And the question that I asked this couple was “Why do you want to do this?”

What became quite apparent was that they didn’t really have a goal.  They didn’t have a plan and a keyword that I love using here is

they didn’t have a known result

When you’re looking at opportunities, I would always suggest you know what your result is.

Know what the WHY is   –   Know what your PURPOSE is.  

Once you have an idea make sure you understand the outcome you want to get.  This will allow you to better select the decisions you make.

Whether it is investing, a relationship, or your health.  Whether it be about something on your bucket list.

Get clear on the END RESULT FIRST.

Because if you understand the result, you may then open up your mind to a world of other opportunities that you’d never initially even thought of.

The more you hang around a supporting peer group, the more you actually get in touch with a mentor or coach – they can also give you ideas and strategies, tips and techniques – that will allow you to achieve the results that you want to achieve.

And maybe not going down the path or taking the action step that you originally thought you needed.

How Hauling Your Travel Bags Shows Up In Your Life

Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 2.24.27 PMWhy am I standing here with a bag?  It’s a normal kind of a rolly overhead luggage bag, pretty normal. Even has a little red ribbon on it that my daughter has put on it so I don’t lose it when I’m at the airport in a couple of weeks.

What is it about bags?

I think a lot of us in life carry a bag around ALL THE TIME.  Consciously or unconsciously, we’re always think we need to look after our baggage.  

And I want to give you the example of when you’re travel travelling somewhere on a plane.  You know, it’s a bit like life.  You spend time loading up your bags.

  • You’re loading them up with stories,
  • loading them up with past experiences,
  • loading them up with things that are relevant to your map of the world.
  • Loading them up with stuff and then we cart it around.

Ohh, it’s so heavy and we’ve got to carry it ourselves.

Other times, there are wheels and we’re wheeling it around because it’s easier that way to carry our baggage.  And then when we get to the airport, the people at check-in say

“Excuse me sir.  Can I take your baggage?”  

And often we don’t want to give it away.  We want to keep the baggage because our baggage is important to us.

  • It’s got all our excuses in it.
  • It’s got all that justification and reasons in it.
  • It’s got things that we need so we can justify to keep carrying our baggage.

“No thank you ma’am.  I’m going to carry it on board.”  

“Are you sure you don’t want to check it in Sir?   You’re sure you don’t want us to take your baggage away?  Put it somewhere else where you can’t see it so you can just forget about it?”

“No. I want to hold on to my excuses – I mean baggage.”  

So we take our baggage.  We go up the escalators – we go through security.  Sometimes other people may want to check our bags for security reasons.

They say “You know we want to make sure that you’re safe and we want to make sure that the people around you are safe.  We want to check inside your bags that there isn’t anything dangerous that can hurt other people.”  

Some of us can accept that, some of us get a little bit confronted.

“Why do you want to check my stuff?  I’ m fine.  I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.”  

And then we grab our bag and we wheel it away.  We get on the plane and we’re sitting down.  And again the stewardess is on board and will say

“Please sir, you need to get rid of your baggage.  Please put it in the overhead locker.”  

“But I want to keep my baggage.  I want to hold on to my baggage.”

Then the announce is made and we hear “For your safety and the safety of others, please secure your baggage in a safe location.”  

And even then, we might not be able to help ourselves.

We’re going to pull out stuff from our bag because it’s so important to us that we have to have those baggage contents, we have to have those stories with us all the time.

So whilst we get rid of this bag, we might be left with a smaller bag that we’ll keep right near us.  Another bag that we can see, we can touch at any time that we’re travelling.  We’ve still got a little piece of baggage.

How many things in life are a little bit like this?

How many things in life for you revolve around baggage?  How much are you carrying around?  How much are you holding on to, telling yourself that you don’t want to hurt yourself or anyone else.

But maybe that bag is so big and heavy that when that bag hits someone, it will only hurt them.  And if you drop the bag on yourself you will hurt yourself too.

Look at how much baggage you’re carting around.  See what you can jettison.

Travel light, travel with purpose. 

6 Steps Towards Being A Winning Parent

2K3T0001[3]If you want your child to come out of their youth sports experience a winner (feeling good about themselves and having a healthy attitude towards sports), then they need your help!  Their sport experience will serve as a positive model for them to follow as they approach other challenges and obstacles throughout life.


When defined the right way, competition in youth sports is both good and healthy and teaches children a variety of important life skills. The word “compete” comes from the Latin words “com” and “petere” which mean together and seeking respectively. The true definition of competition is a seeking together where your opponent is your partner, not the enemy!  Your child should never be taught to view his/her opponent as the “bad guy”, the enemy or someone to be hated and “destroyed”. Instead, talk to/make friends with parents of your child’s opponent. Root for great performances, good plays, not just for the winner!


The ultimate goal of the sport experience is to challenge oneself and continually improve. Unfortunately, judging improvement by winning and losing is both an unfair and inaccurate measure. When a child performs to their potential and loses, it is criminal to focus on the outcome and become critical. If a child plays their very best and loses, you need to help them feel like a winner! Similarly, when a child or team performs far below their potential but wins, this is not cause to feel like a winner. Help your child make this important separation between success and failure and winning and losing.


Your role on the team is as a Support player with a capital S! You need to be your child’s best fan. unconditionally! Leave the coaching and instruction to the coach. Provide encouragement, support, empathy, transportation, money, help with fund-raisers, etc., but… do not coach!   The last thing your child needs and wants to hear from you after a disappointing performance or loss is what they did technically or strategically wrong.


It’s a time proven principle of peak performance that the more fun an athlete is having, the more they will learn and the better they will perform. Fun must be present for peak performance to happen at every level of sports from youth to world class competitor! When a child stops having fun and begins to dread practice or competition, it’s time for you as a parent to become concerned! Why is your child participating in the sport? Are they doing it because they want to, for THEM, or because of YOU?  It is quite normal and healthy to want your child to excel and be as successful as possible. But, you cannot make this happen by pressuring them with your expectations or by using guilt or bribery to keep them involved.


Do not equate your child’s self-worth and lovability with their performance. The most tragic and damaging mistake I see parents continually make is punishing a child for a bad performance by withdrawing emotionally from them. A child loses a race, strikes out or misses and easy shot on goal and the parent responds with disgust, anger and withdrawal of love and approval.  One thing we all want as children and never stop wanting is to be loved and accepted, and to have our parents feel good about what we do. This is how self-esteem gets established. When your interactions with your child make them feel good about themselves, they will, in turn, learn to treat themselves this very same way.


If you really want your child to be as happy and as successful as possible in everything that they do, then teach them how to fail! The most successful people in and out of sports do two things differently than everyone else. First, they are more willing to take risks and therefore fail more frequently. Second, they use their failures in a positive way as a source of motivation and feedback to improve.   Teach your child how to view setbacks, mistakes and risk-taking positively and you’ll have given them the key to a lifetime of success. Failure is the perfect stepping stone to success.

The Origin Of Money

money originMoney is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context.

However, money doesn’t have any inherent value.

It is simply pieces of paper  – or numbers on a computer screen.   

A car has value because it can help you get to where you need to go. Water has a value because it has a use; if you don’t drink enough of it you will die.

Money has no more use than any other piece of paper until, as a country and an economy, we assign value to it.  Now – it didn’t always work this way. 

In the past money was in the form of coins, generally composed of precious metals such as gold and silver.  The value of the coins was roughly based on the value of the metals they contained, because you could always melt the coins down and use the metal for other purposes.  Until a few decades ago paper money in many Western countries was based on the gold standard or silver standard or some combination of the two.

Many of you have heard me say this over and over again.  But here it is:

It’s NOT the money we want – but rather what money can provide us.

Money – well the bits of paper and some coins – is really a tool used for bartering.  Or exchanging value.  The use of barter-like methods may date back to at least 100,000 years ago, though there is no evidence of a society or economy that relied primarily on barter.  Bartering really only came about to facilitate value exchange between strangers or different communities.

Many cultures around the world though, eventually developed the use of some sort of commodity money.  That means money that was linked to a commodity or a tangible thing. 

The Mesopotamian shekel (circa 3000 BC) was a unit of weight, and relied on the mass of something like 160 grains of barley. 

Societies in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Australia used shell money – often, the shells of the cowry).  According to Herodotus, the Lydians were the first people to introduce the use of gold and silver coins and it is though that the first stamped coins were minted around 650–600 BC.  Further studies indicate that the Song Dynasty introduced the world’s earliest paper money.

The system of commodity money eventually evolved into a system of representative money.  This occurred because gold and silver merchants or banks would issue receipts to their depositors – redeemable for the commodity money deposited.  So rather than having to cart around the actual commodity money – of gold, silver, cloth, salt, shells, etc – these items were ‘represented’ by a receipt.

Eventually, these receipts became accepted as a means of payment and were used as money.  Hence these receipts were representing the commodity.  And was the first, real instance of using paper as means of representing value exchange.

These receipts then become more elaborate and are now recognised as Paper money or banknotes.

Now, this was all based on moving from commodity money to representative money.  Then in 1971 President Nixon announced that the United States would no longer exchange dollars for gold and the ‘gold standard’ of the representative system ceased.

Modern currency is now referred to in economic circles as Fiat money.  This is where is gets really interesting.

What started out as commodity money become representative money (all used for trading or bartering).  The latter as it was simply too impractical to cart around carts of oxen to acquire goods or services.

And if these representative money, which was then based on the value of Gold as the representative, has ceased.  How was money valued??

Fiat money or fiat currency is money whose value is not derived from any intrinsic value.  Or from any guarantee that it can be converted into a valuable commodity (such as gold).  Instead, it has value only by government order (a “fiat”).

So how does a ten-dollar note have value and some other pieces of paper do not?  It’s simple:

Money is good with a limited supply and there is a demand for it because people want it.

The reason I want money is so I can use my money to get goods and services from others.  They can then use that money to purchase the goods and services they want.  And so on.  Goods and services are what ultimately matter in the economy.

Money that has no inherent value.  The value of money is called into being rather than being inherent in and of itself.

Money has value because people believe that they will be able to exchange this money for goods and services in the future.  This belief will persist so long as people do not fear future inflation or the failure of the issuing agency and its government.

Some interesting origins about money words:

Fee – This word comes from the German word for cattle, vieh.

Shell out – The use of shells as currency among Americans, Polynesians and later, the European colonists, led to the phrase “shell out,” meaning “to pay.”

Salary – At one point, Roman soldiers were paid part of their wages in salt. The Latin word for “salt” is salarium.

Dollar – A count in a Czechoslovakian town called Jachymov started minting silver coins in 1519. The coins were known as talergroschen, which was eventually shortened to talers.  Many nations have currency named for some variation of the word taler, including the word “dollar.”

Your Money Can Also Become History – Yep, A Thing Of The Past…UNLESS

Your Investing Clarity Call Is a “Nothing To Buy” 15-20min Call.  I’ll Give You The Steps Right Then & There.  All You Have To Do Is:


What Do You Want To Achieve?

Understand History Sure – And NOW Look Forward.

Investing Lessons Learned From The Melbourne Cup

Melb CupLike it or not…This is the race that stops the nation.  An annual event that is almost as big as New Year’s celebration in Australia.  I’ve been to the Melbourne Cup.  Stood in the rain (one year) and watched the GeesGees go round and round.

The spectacle of the fashion, the drunk guys & girls and just forgetting about most other things and hanging out with some friends.

And looking back I reckon there are a FIVE lessons I’ve learned that I’d love to share.

1. Everyone has an opinion but not everyone should be listened to.

How many people do you know – friends or even media personalities – all keen to give you their ‘hot tips’.  And will be only to willing to share with you about past winnings.  And rarely declare the losses they’ve made.

Friends and strangers alike can potentially be harmful when it comes to your money decisions.  The Melbourne Cup is one of the classic examples of when you shouldn’t be following big talkers, people who may have bet well once or people who you overhear as you queue up to buy a drink.

Everyone has an opinion – sure.  But how many have a proven track record?  How many are enjoying the lifestyle because of experience.  And because they are willing to share the pitfalls and challenges with you – so you can avoid them.  Rather than trying to highlight the short-cuts to obtaining good results.  Make sure you seek opinions from experts, not amateurs and big talkers.

2. Dream big but dream realistically.

We would all love to win the Melbourne Cup sweep. That trifecta and just live it up.  We just need to recognise that it is still a gamble and not an investment.  Why gamble your financial well-being when you can make a series of little prudent steps, checking for approaching storms in order to gain reliable, stable, predictable returns?.

The Melbourne Cup is a fun day out indeed; and there is nothing wrong with putting a small amount of money on the line and having a bit of fun.  But future proof your life through investing, not gambling. And if you want to gamble, make it a small gamble.

Believing you can “make it” on one horse – on one single investment and one time – is just a gamble.  And nothing more.  Be prudent.  Have a structure or a plan.  Dream big and plan using realistic and measurable steps.

3. The favourite isn’t always the winner.

Sometimes we think the best strategy is to follow the crowd.  But what is the best strategy?  What may have worked for you in the past may not work for you now.  And the best plan can be different from the ‘right ‘ plan.

We feel safe if we do what everyone else is doing.  But often the greatest outcomes are from doing  our own research, thinking for ourselves, obtaining our own advice and pursuing our own path.  Don’t try and keep up with the guys in the fancy suit.  Or buy that dress to look better than whats-her-name.

I know that when it comes to investing, most of us are hard-wired to make all the wrong calls, to invest more when the markets are going up, rather than capitalising on profits and waiting until the market falls before investing further.

This is especially true on Melbourne Cup day, when no one can predict the winner!  The favourite is never going to make you as much money as backing a horse that is less popular (if it comes in!)

4. Do your homework before investing.

In the heat of Melbourne Cup excitement, you might get distracted into betting your money on a horse whose name your fancy, or your friends are choosing.

While no one has a crystal ball.  Professional punters do their homework, study the form guide, use their information advantage to make the best decisions they can.  So, act like a professional punter.  Get informed & take advice from the experts.  Especially in regards to your financial future.

5. Know Your Limits.  Enjoy Tomorrow Without A Hangover.

The Melbourne Cup can expose our weaknesses.  The desire for the ‘quick fix’ and to extend ourselves over and above our limits.  Before you know it – you’re borrowing money because you’ve run out.  To bet on that ‘sure thing’.  You’ve lost focus because of all the champagne – but decided another glass (or bottle) will fix everything.

Don’t endanger your lifestyle goals and those of the people you love.  Because you don’t know (or care about) your limits.  Have a stop-loss.  A maximum investment position.  See it through.  Be safe so that not only can you ‘go again’ later – but you can wake up tomorrow without the embarrassment and need for a panadol.


How To Get The Government To Pay For Your Investment Property

cartoon-house-holding-moneyThere is always the balance of ‘do I buy my own home first or an investment property’.  Well what if you could save yourself between $10-30,000 for your investment property.

And it doesn’t even have to be your first IP.  Could be your second or tenth.

It all comes back to your personal values and lifestyle goals.  But there is a way in which you can get a financial ‘leg-up’ in purchasing an investment property.

And here it is:

You purchase this investment property firstly as your owner occupier or principle place of residence. 

If you buy a place to live in – with a view of turning it into an investment property in the short term, then there are some great advantages that ‘may’ suit you.

Here are 6 reasons you might just find this will work for you:

1. When you purchase property you are subject to Government Stamp Duty.  This is significantly less if the property is to be used by the purchase to live in, rather than rent out.

For example in Qld – Total fees for the purchase of a $450,000 property as an Investment is $15,370.80.

The same property when purchase to Live In attracts much less Fees of only $8,195.80.

That’s $7,175 in difference.

Now how ling would it take you to save that extra $7,175.

2. Now the news gets even better is you are a First Home Buyers.  In most States, First Home Buyers are EXEMPT from paying Stamp Duty at all.

In Qld – you are only required to pay transfer fees totalling just $1,195.

In NSW you are only up for $328 bucks.

So compared to buying as an investment there are potential savings of at least $15,000

3. Next one.  First Home Buyers Grant.  Again in most States there is the FURTHER BONUS of receiving the First Home Buyers Grant (if indeed you are a first home buyer).  This can be up to $15,000 or even $20,000.

If you used $15k as a yardstick – there is potential savings so far of $30,000.

That’s $30,000 that you DO NOT need to have to purchase your investment property, simply using the interim step of purchasing it to Live In first.

4. The 6-year rule.  One of the other benefits of owning your own home is the Tax Office rule of Capital Gains Exemption.  Meaning that if your home goes up in values and is worth more when you sell than when you bought – you are not required to pay any tax on the Capital Gain.

If you turn your home into an investment property well – it’s no longer your own and if you sold you would need to pay the tax on the Capital Gain.

HOWEVER, if you rented for this period and you intend to at some point move back in – you may be able to still benefit from the Capital Gain Exemption rule as long as you sell with 6 years (the current ruling) of when you bought it.  BONUS eh!!

5. The last benefit is – that the huge savings you’ve made when buying your home can be further enhanced once it becomes an investment property.  Because any short term losses or deductions should now be tax deductible – including the Interest you are paying on your loan.

What started out as a non tax deductible, personal loan can now be transitioned into an Investment loan where the Interest should now be 100% tax deductible.

6. Oh – and a BONUS reason.

Using rent to reduce the mortgage.  And I guess one of the last opportunities could be, depending on how your loan is structures, you may be able to using surplus income or rent to reduce the investment property loan.

** And if you DO move back into this property to live in – your non tax deductible mortgage is now less.  Double BONUS!!

Now the above is a scenario.  Which may or may not be suitable for you. 

I wanted to give you some ideas as to things you can achieve when thinking outside the box.

All good ideas like this firstly come from having an Investment plan linked to your own Goals & Dreams.  If you want to get some Clarity around YOUR goals and DREAMS – book in for your FREE Finance & Investment Clarity call.

Using the link below.

FREE Investment Clarity Call – Book A Date & Time That Suits You

Good luck.

Investing Can Be Like An Avalanche – Believe Me, I’ve Seen One First Hand

IMG_1280We had only strapped our cross-country skis about 2 hours before hand.  And for some of us (me included) it was our first time cross-country skiing.  For me it was basically like hiking.  I still had a pack on my back, carrying food, water, tent, sleeping bag, etc – but instead of walking I was in snow and skiing across the top.

After just  few hours one of our guides pulled us up and started some instruction in what to do if you got caught in an avalanche.  What to look out for, how to survive and what was required when searching for someone.

Rather than share the whole story, we had stopped in this small valley rift where avalanches had happened within the last few days.  So it was a good place to practise and learn.  HOWEVER we all got a big shock when there was an almighty “CRACK”.  We looked up the slope to see a snow slide gathering momentum.

As it gained speed it impacted so many other things.

Rock was caught up, as were trees.  It kicked up snow drift and vision was impaired.  It seemed to both suck the oxygen out of the air and yet fill the air with snow gusts all at the same time.

It got bigger and seemed to get out of control very quickly.  We all managed to get out of the way before it reached us and we had front row seats as it slowed down and deposited a massive volume of snow at out feet.

So how, Duncan is this anything like investing, I hear you ask?

Well understand this.  Just like in physics – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  If you have not developed, and then actively manage a finance and investing plan – just like an avalanche – one single, seeming harmless decision can have a rolling impact to so many other things.

And before you know it, opportunities are missed, profit is destroyed and sometimes the wind is just knocked right out of you.

When you invest you need to consider:

  • What Result Do You Want From Your Investment – Growth or Cashflow?
  • What Timeframe Do You Want The Result To Happen In?
  • What Is Your Available Equity or Borrowed Funds You Can Use?
  • What Is the Ownership or Entity Structure You Wish To Use?
  • What Are the Short and Long Term Tax Implications?
  • What Are ALL The Investment Options Available That Could Meet The Above Criteria?
  • FINALLY – Be Prepared to Adjust As You Need To So You Can Achieve The Best Result Possible.

I don’t believe there is ever one perfect investment.

You need to understand your Personal Lifestyle Goals FIRST, the Investment RESULT second and then be prepared to adjust as you go.

Because one poorly informed or rush decision WILL HAVE a flow on impact to all the other areas of your finances, investments and personal life.

And I’m sure you don’t want to be under a pile of snow – wondering why you didn’t both planning ahead.

An adjustable and well-informed investment strategy CAN SAVE your life – it can support the people you LOVE and it can help provide experiences that are most IMPORTANT to you.

Invest Intelligently.  Live Authentically.