Track Your Investments

As silly as it seems, you gotta TRACK the small stuff with your investments. The small things all add up. If you’re not paying attention to the small things, like making sure particular payments are paid on time or rates are cancelled on time or discounts are accessed, that can make your portfolio cost a […]

The 5 Considerations You Must Make Before Choosing Your Investment

The BEST Investments for ANYONE should ALWAYS be based on the RESULT.  The successful investor is able to correlate an investment to a result – and not just a return. Rather than Successful investing I prefer to use the term Intelligent Investing.  Why?  Success can come in many shapes and forms.  Intelligent Investing is more […]

Ideas To Change From IO to P&I Loan

Despite the benefits of interest-only loans for investors, the regulatory measures imposed on investors and these loans mean that principal and interest loans are being considered more and more. According to the RBA, about two-thirds of interest-only (IO) loans are set for expiration by 2020. During this time and over the next three years, $120 […]

Interest Rates – What’s Coming?

“Investors need to keep an eye out on international markets” says some commentary.  Sure.  But realistically who does that 🙂 What you DO NEED to know is where funds come from to support our banking system.  And a lot of it is NOT from our domestic market.  But rather from overseas. It’s always important to see […]

Top 10 Tips For A Successful Financial Year

I know it’s a bit late – but HAPPY LAST FQ.  Now is the time peeps to review the last 9 months.  And prepare carefully for the remaining 3 months of the FY. Not only will this determine how you conclude financially – but it also can determine where you may be in 12 or […]