The Investing Roller Coaster – When To Hold On & When To Cheer

Have you ever felt that your financial & investing journey was sometimes like riding a roller coaster?

There are plenty of ups and downs.  Twists and turns.  And sometimes you may feel you are upside down!!Roller-Coaster Picture

Your investing journey is absolutely like this.  This is one of the BEST ANALOGIES I can think of.  So why is our investing & financial journey SO MUCH like a roller coaster.

Well I guess it starts with the fact that we don’t live on a roller coaster.  We don’t even have one in our home (unless you are very special).  It’s something that’s ‘out there’ that we have to plan for to experience.

Just like with your finances – to change your experience you need to get outside the house.  You need to travel to a place or a person that has built something that you want to experience.  And get a feel for it.

Now, have you had the experience of being at the roller coast and just not wanting to get on board?  You watch other people getting on.  And coming back.  Some with huge grins – others with faces of fear.  You are doubtful and uncertain.  You don’t know if you’d enjoy it or not.  And some people never even give themselves the chance.  If you went on and didn’t like it – guess what?  You don’t need to do it again.  But if you do like it – go again!!!

Then you get on.  The journey starts slow and the start is all uphill.  You are not on your own but getting pushed and pulled along until you get to the top.

And whilst it’s been a slow, uphill journey you reach the top.  And what a view.  You could just happily stay up here – no dramas at all.  And then the journey continues.  You gather momentum and dooowwwnn you go.  Getting faster and faster.

Before you know it you are upside down.  Looking backwards to where you were and wondering which way is up.  You get to the bottom and the upside down you go again.  Maybe there’s a twist or two in there just to get you really confused.

You speed up and slow down.  It’s easy to get disorientated and not know which way is forwards and backwards.  You can’t see where you started.  And certainly can’t see the end.  But you are still heading forwards.

roller-coasterAs you look around you there are other people with you – on their financial & investing journey.  Some of them are screaming with delight.  Others are fearful and just want it all to stop.

Some people are hanging on for dear life.  Others have their arms outstretched and fully embracing the new sensations and experiences.  Some other people are doing both – hanging on one second, letting go the next.  Unsure one minute and just loving the journey the next.

Then the roller coaster slows down.  And it can slow suddenly.  You stop.  WHAT!?!?  That’s it.

Time to get off the ride.  Other people want a turn.

Your knees are shaking.  Your heart is pounding.  But you did it.

And for the next few hours (days, months or years) you will ALWAYS remember that journey.  You’ve experienced it and can enjoy it as many times as you like.  The great thing is you can close your eyes and relive it whenever you want.

Your financial & investing journey never fully stops.  It is slow to start and seemingly uphill.  But after time gathers it’s own momentum.  Sure – there are twists and turns.  Sometimes you may be upside down and wanting to get off.

But if you hang on, and follow the course – your experience will be with you forever.  And you can share this with other people.  Let the rails of experience guide you.

Have fun – and remember that it is not the ride that was important.  It’s the experience, the feeling of the ride and who you have been able to share it with.  The memories you’ve created.

Your roller coaster is only scary if you WANT it to be.

Enjoy the ride.  Be guided so you know what to expect in advance.  And remember why you are investing in the first place.

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