Track Your Investments

As silly as it seems, you gotta TRACK the small stuff with your investments.

The small things all add up. If you’re not paying attention to the small things, like making sure particular payments are paid on time or rates are cancelled on time or discounts are accessed, that can make your portfolio cost a lot more than it needs to OR you are missing our on returns you should be getting.

Check that you are not being double charged for property costs, bank fees or management charges. It happens and often by accident. And this can compound.

Pay attention to the paperworks, get in touch with your lenders and discuss your strategies regularly with your team of professionals to able to maintain a strong foundation for portfolio management.

At the end of the day, missing or even IGNORING the ‘little things’ in your investment portfolio could result in bigger financial issues.  Which is why I encourage investors to ensure checks and balances are in place.

Be an active participant in the management of your investments, no matter how big a team you have backing you up.  Or how big or small you perceive your investment portfolio to be.  It may be one investment property.  Or a handful of shares.  Know key dates, know your entitlements and check that all is functioning in your favour.

The good lesson here is to be a little bit more diligent around the rules and regulations and the tips and traps to get the small things right.  It should be high on your agenda.

I would suggest you set up your own 1-pager (or 2 if need be) with key dates listing renewals, rates, contact numbers, etc and then schedule into your calendar time to check on these. Sometimes this will only take a few minutes. And if you are not detailed at all, then get someone else to give you a hand.

Take responsibility for your own investments. Cause no one else will.

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