Which Is More Important – Capital Growth or Cashflow?

Here is a question I recently was asked from one of my clients during our Mastermind Session:

“How can I Layer capital growth with cashflow investing strategies to protect serviceability and still be able to keep investing?”

And it’s a great question.  

This is NOT a servicing question which most people think.  It’s actually a strategy one.

See, as you know, investing involves around purchasing or acquiring an interest in an asset.  And a financial investment is designed to do one thing.

Generate money.  This may be in the form of either capital value or income.

One option when purchasing these assets is to buy for cash.  However that is not always possible and sometimes a very advantageous option is to use OPM.

Other People’s Money – and borrow.

Lending institutions will assess BOTH the existing assets & liabilities.  PLUS any proposed future investment.

And lending is MORE and more based around INCOME and the ability to prove the income is available to service the loan repayments. 

And these days – also at higher assessment rates with reduced rental rental expectancy.

So the ‘layering’ is really about – what is the STRATEGY of maintaining and acquiring financial investment assets?

What is the RESULT of each asset and then the overall RESULT of all combined assets?


This is something that is covered in detail through the Intelligent Investing Blueprint.

PLUS the online training also goes into this is some detail.  

And is then personalised through the 3 or 12 month personal consulting.  Taking your investing and finances to a whole new level.

Once this is determine and more accurate approach can be made regarding which assets are meeting your needs.

And if any need to be sold and replaced with better performing assets.

There is absolutely a need to layer capital growth assets with cashflow assets.

And this again comes back to the strategy.

Knowing the overall INTENT and then aligning the financial assets with the personal / lifestyle assets.

Capital growth will slow down in the future (and is doing so now).  So getting the cashflow secured may be a great option to position yourself for future opportunities.

But this is situationally dependant.  And something that would need to be addresses at a personal level.

Hope this helps you all a bit.



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