Building Wealth is like building…well, a building

Wealth is just like building a building.

People see the finished product and they want to copy it because they think it’s fantastic.

So after seeing the building – the end result – they head off to get their own bricks.  And then start stacking the bricks one on top of another.  Because they too want to build their building.  They want to get the same result.  And figure that they just need to stack the bricks and try and make it look the same.

In building wealth, what many people forget is the process required before you start building.  Just like building our building.  You first need to fine the land.  Not just any land.  As someone who has developed property before you need the RIGHT TYPE of land in order to suit your building.  You can’t build on sand.  If you want to build really big you may need to start small, and then buy more or bigger land to allow you to grow.

Then there are the foundations.  You know.  All that preparation under the ground that you can’t see.  The blood, sweat and tears in developing your foundation BEFORE you start building.

This includes having your plans drawn up.  A visualisation of the end result and the step by step process to get there.  Your plans are flexible.  You may change them before you start building.  You may change them when your building is underway.

But you MUST have a plan.

And one you review – and share with your team.  As it’s so much easier, safer and faster to build your building with a team.

This preparation can seem a bit boring at times.  In fact your building preparation – the research, writing up your plan, preparing the foundations can take just as much time and often longer than the build itself.  And others don’t see this.  They don’t see the ‘behind the scenes’ of your building.

And in building wealth, some people choose to ‘skip’ the preparation.  The building of a foundation.  And just start stacking bricks wherever they can.

You need to put the time and effort in behind-the-scenes.  You need to build a solid foundation. You need to have the plans.

You don’t want to just start piling bricks on top of each other in an attempt to copy what you believe someone else has created.  You don’t know the planning and foundations that have been worked on before you see the end product.

Remember build your foundations, complete your planning, understand your vision and only then will you be able to build the right thing.  The thing to suit your needs.

Good building takes time.  Good wealth creation is not about trying to build in a hurry using some ‘quick drying – no mess’ product.

Put in the effort and build your foundations.

So just like building a building, your wealth can be used to provide safety, security, fun and memories for you and for those you love.


It all starts with having a plan.  Set your own goals and outline why you want to achieve this.  By using the FREE “Ultimate Future Goals Setting Guide”.




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