Resistance Is Simply A ‘Hint’ – Listen To It


Have you ever heard the term what you resist persists.

One of the important things to remember is “what is the opposite to resistance?”.  The opposite to resistance is flow or sometimes the opposite to resisting something is really to let it go.  The opposite to something that is in resistance is to provide an opening to allow that energy to flow.

Imagine a stream or a river and if something resists – like a sandbank or a wall it’s going to stop the water.  Until there is a hole created or a channel the resistance will build up.  Once the resistance is gone or simply reduced the water can again flow.

So when we are experiencing emotions in our life with things that aren’t working. It’s often because we are not in flow. Because there is a barrier or a wall and we are creating resistance.

Whilst sometimes it can be very emotionally challenging and sometimes you need to question your own ego, it’s time to create space by letting go. Maybe just having a quite moment.

This allows us to continue being in flow and also to be the awesome people that we are.

The resistance is an emotion letting you know that you are doing or feeling something that is against your normal, intuitive, natural, positive energy.

It’s simple a subtle hint to adjust your focus.

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