Teaching Kids About Self Worth

Confidence, esteem, and self-worth are one of the struggles we encounter in life. As we go on with our life, we tend to learn and experience things that build us as we are now. 
Experience is our best teacher, and these experiences are what we tend to teach or share with your kids. Teaching your child at a young age about self-worth is a hard thing to do, but this will be a very important foundation as they grow older. 
Self-worth is being developed by feeling accepted and being praised in their accomplishments. As a parent, it’s your job to influence them on how they feel about themselves and their self-worth. It is easier to compliment a child in their early days because you both have a lesser expectations, and you can praise even the small achievements. 
But building a child’s self-esteem is not just pure praising and complimenting. A child must also develop it by themselves. 
Here are some tips and guides on how you can help your child to develop their self-worth.
Start it with yourself
If you are being negative or being pessimistic about yourself, your child might also be affected by this. Having these feelings can be seen and felt by your child. This may lead it to them feeling the same way.
Give them your attention
Parental attention is very delicate for youngsters, make them feel that they are attended and much appreciated. This will help them realize that they are worthy of your time and attention.
Teach them about the real world
Kids also learn from experiences, teach them on kid stuffs like coloring, singing, dancing that will gain them confidence in their abilities. Teach them on practical home chores so they will be prepared to step-up to more complex responsibilities. Don’t forget to give praise or compliments whenever they have completed a task or accomplished something.

Let them make their own choices
If you let your kids make age-appropriate choices, they will feel more independent and confident. They will feel that the choices they make will reflect on them and they will have more control in the future.
Teach them to learn from their mistakes
It’s normal for children to make mistakes, even adults also make mistakes. What is important is how you would deal about these mistakes, turn the negative results into a positive learning for them. Focus on the things that they have learned along the way so they would not commit the same mistake again. 
This will help them to try again, and be more prepared in the future.
Develop their strengths
As kids, they are more focused to excel in school. This should not be disregarded, they should really maximize their potential. Observe and know on which area your kids really excel in, and help them develop it more. In this manner, it will help them gain the confidence in their skills of expertise.
Do not compare
Comparison is a huge degrading factor for children, they tend to lose their confidence and feel inferior about themselves. Each individual has their own flaws and specialty, you should not only focus on their flaws and look for other’s excellence. Help them develop themselves and make them feel that they are still much appreciated.
Remember, a child that has developed a healthy self-esteem during their early days tend to be more successful in life and in their future.


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