The Financial Success Activities for 2018

1.   Why New Year Resolutions SUCK!

    • Most have no passion
    • Becomes just a ‘to do’ list
    • It can be the same as last year – or just look at what was not achieved last year and add it to the new ‘list’

2.   What you SHOULD MUST be doing instead

    • Align to experiences – not just action steps
    • Create a Wealth Plan – and ensure you write out back pages of your Future Goal Planning Guide
    • If money is part of planning, is it equity or long term growth OR cashflow
    • If it’s BOTH (as many people believe) be SPECIFIC. 

Bring the result to a specific purpose. 

    • Once you do that it is more measurable.  You can assess it’s performance.  And you also know that you got that experienced or goal “covered”
    • This opens up the specifics to target other areas.  And before you know it, your action steps – even if it’s just going to the same job you always have – has far more purpose because there is a defined results and goal outlined and written down

3.   Aligning Personal & Business Profits

    • What do you need Personal expenses (tgt mthly)
    • Understand business net profits (not gross profits and not total revenue)

And if you achieved those personal profits you link to those personal experiences

    • As these are achieved you can expand targets
    • Business profits again are for a reason.  It may be either business or personal.  Therefore you target the business objectives to get that goal.
      • eg. Business expansion, new business premises Vs personal holidays, paying down personal debt, growing your investment portfolio.

4.   How to Determine What You MOST want

    • Brainstorm
    • By Category
    • Talk with your partner (if you have one) and understand the needs and wants of each other.  How you can support each other and if your goals are in alignment with yourself
    • Write at the reasons why and why not these are important to you (back pages of the Goals Guide)




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