What Does Money Mean To You?

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Money magnifies the person you are.

Those who are generally selfish and choose hate – well money just magnifies those primary qualities.

Those who are humble and choose good – money again magnifies that personality.

We’ve all seen how money can have the power to create or the power to destroy.

It can fund a dream or start a war.

You can provide money as a gift or yield it as a weapon.

It can be used as an expression of your spirit, your creativity, your idea’s – or your frustration, your anger, your hate.

It can be used to influence governments and individuals.

So we all know, that on some level money is simply an ILLUSION.

These days Money isn’t even gold or paper.  It’s one’s and zero’s on a screen. So what is Money…really?

Money is simply a form of energy. 

It will take on whatever ENERGY we give it.

If it’s used in pain and frustration – that is what it will attract.

If it used for joy and happiness – again it will magnify those emotions.

Because what are we ‘transacting’.  We are transacting in experiences.  We will ‘exchange’ money for an experience.

If you are buying clothes – they provide you an experience, maybe of comfort.

If you are paying insurance – it is for an experience, maybe of security.

If you are booking a holiday – it is for an experience, maybe of fun and excitement.

In the end, I believe money isn’t what we are after…is it?

What we really want it the feeling’s, the emotions, that we believe money can provide.

So often we use money to experience emotions such as that feeling:

  • of empowerment
  • of freedom
  • of security
  • of helping those we love and those in need
  • of having choice and of feeling alive

Money is certainly one of the ways we can turn the dreams we have into the reality we live in.

And the one thing is for sure: You either use it, or it uses you.

You either master money, or on some level, money masters you!!!

How you deal with money reflects how you deal with your primary emotions.

Is it an affliction or a blessing?

A game or a burden?

What does money mean for you?

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