What I learned From The Kid’s School Parade

ok to ask for helpYou know some pretty powerful tools coming out for the Leadership Investiture Parade at the Kid’s School earlier on and I’d love to share these with you.

So I was at the School Leadership Investiture Parade where they’re giving all the kids their leadership awards.   House captions, the sports captains, the school captains, the student counselor reps, etc.

And two clear messages came out from the kids.  Two messages were coming out from children aged between 9 and 12.  And it was the same message over and over again.  And I believe as adults there is much we should be able to learn from these two messages.

The first one was:

if you want to learn to do something better go and ask someone who’s already done it.

Pretty obvious right??  And as the kids said “Why would I take so much time to figure all that by myself when there are so many people around me who’ve already done it.  I don’t need to try and fix all that myself.  I can go and learn from somebody who’s already had the results…”

Someone who can show me how to avoid the mistakes that they made and someone who can show me the successes in which they had.

Now that can apply to all of us.  Why would we go and try and do something for ourselves or reinvent the wheel when we KNOW know someone else has already achieved that time and time and time again?

Yet so many people as they get older simply flat out refuse to get advice or support from someone else.  We encourage our children to be coached, to be taught and to ask questions.  So when as adults did we decide it was no longer acceptable to improve ourselves????

The second message that kept popping up was that of getting out and giving it a go.  And again when we consider our finances and investments we look at how to leverage our situation.

One of the common concerns or drama’s people have is the fear of making a mistake – and it gets to the point that they take no action.  And as the kids were saying:

the biggest fears out there are the ones where your regret that you wish you did something.

Not that you gave it a go and it didn’t work out, but you didn’t even give it a chance.  So again, how many of you are sitting out back and going “You know what, I know I can do something better with my life.  I know I can give my children opportunity.  I know I can live the lifestyle that I want to live, but guess what?  I’m not even going to give it a go.”

Now – what is the worst that can happen?  You’re already in one position now.  Your current position.  You already know how to do what you’re doing right now.

So at least give yourself a chance to do something else, ok.

So thank you.

Thank you to our wonderful children that continue to inspire us as adults.  The wonderful children that don’t have this preconceived baggage and issues.  And shared two very powerful powerful messages.

If you want to get somewhere in life, go and hang out with someone that’s been there and has done it before and learn from them.  Save yourself so much time and effort and

secondly, give it a go.  Never live your life with regrets because you never even had a chance.



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