What Money Is…And Isn’t!

As you know, I understand and believe that money is an energy exchange.  It’s the transmission of value from one commodity to another.

People tell me that wealth creation is not important.  What I hear from them is “making money is hard [in their opinion] therefore I won’t prioritise it”.

Often it’s the same people who are the first to complain when they don’t have enough of the cash to relax and be free.

When you realise that money is a tool.  That money is about value and you plan and live purposefully around what money can provide – you realise some cool things.

And there are TWO unique understandings I hope you can take on board when it comes to money.  These are two understandings that have transitioned my life from one of striving for higher ‘income’ to a life of peace, living debt free.

But to get to THIS point – I believe you need to understand – as in really, deeply get this.  These two unique distinctions:

  1. Money is simply a tool.  It’s a way of getting what you want – whether that’s time, travel, space, or sparkly things around your finger or neck.   Also, money is a useful tool to make more money.
  2. Money means options.  If you have money, the range of opportunities available to you – what you can do with your time – expands dramatically.

Now this second point is probably the most important.  When I consult with clients about their finance and investing goals, this is a real key motivator.

Because when you understand this – your financial and investing decisions become one of CHOICE. 

They become based around have options, flexibility and keeping things simple.

But remember the ‘flip’ side to these two points.

And that is having no money means fewer options.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet, your menu of opportunities is limited because you’re focused on making rent or the car payment tomorrow. You can’t choose what to do because your money requirements are dictating to you what you have to do.

Until you align your financial objectives with your personal lifestyle, you are spinning your wheels and going no-where.  You will get caught up ‘being busy’ but every year you can only experience the same limiting opportunities.

My MISSION is to help raise this investing and financial knowledge to a level that supports your individual needs. 

It’s NOT just about what widget to invest in.
But rather it’s about aligning your money beliefs with your personal beliefs.  Using money as a tool to enjoy experiences that are important to you.
Once you are at peace with your lifestyle decisions, then you can far easier align your investing decisions because you have a reason and a purpose.




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