Why DayDreaming Could Be a Harmful Thing

daydreamingBut I thought the ‘daydreaming’ about wonderful, awesome & fun possibilities was a good thing??

Research in psychological science has proven that daydreaming about good things can set you up for failure.

A new study shows that fantasising about a wonderful happy future may make depressive symptoms worse.

So how could this be? Surely if we keep thinking about great things we can manifest them. Right? WRONG!!

The key is not talking the talk but when daydreamers then fail to walk the walk – by not taking any positive action.

Thinking about and desiring something is only PART of the process. Sure – it’s a big part and one in which often gets overlooked by the ‘doing’ crowd.

Once You’ve Thunked It – Chunk It – and Start Taking Action.  

This is where the power of momentum proves itself.

For our lives to be amazing – both in wealth and wellness there is proof we need to combine good thoughts PLUS actions.  Even if it is only little steps at a time.

Make sure you read the Blog about the important of Micro-Action as a receipe for success.

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