Why Making $1Million In A Year is NOT as Valuable as…

the-person-you-become-jim-rohnI was reading a post in a Business Mastermind Group that I am a part of from a wonderful person who is continuing to ‘test and adjust’ their business. With a goal to make $1Million Dollars in a Year.

They were reaching out and asking about Goals, SMART goals, Planning and Flow.

Now I’ll address those in future lessons – and for now I want to focus on the very first driver.  That of the goal to make $1Million in a Year.

Imagine that through your investing – business or otherwise you made ‘One Million Dollars’ in a year.  How do you think that would change you?

A little or a lot?  Here’s my take.  I believe the biggest impacts we can have on the people around us (and even those we don’t know) is showing up as the person you need to be.

I refer back to Jim Rohn’s quote (above) and para-phrase that:

It’s Not The Making Of the Million Dollars That Is Of Most Value – It’s The Person You Become To Achieve The Million Dollars.

Many people continue to focus on the Goal.  Often relentlessly.  And at times that may be appropriate.  As most of you know, the biggest legacy you can leave is how you will be remembered by others.  What VALUE have you provided.

Striving to make a million dollars in a year is admirable – not from the fact of making the million.  But from the person you can become to make that million.

Just imagine – the different thinking you would need to have to achieve a goal of a million dollars in a year.

The different attitude to yourself and others.  How you view money.  How you view the world.

Would you ‘take no prisoners’ or would you relate and connect with others more readily?

The growth and change that you would experience as a person, whilst you strive to achieve your goals can be tremendous.  And this is true value.  Value that you can share with others and maybe adjust your thinking and perception on life, on business and of yourself.

When you consider your goals, maybe remember Jim Rohn.  Whilst the goal is important, the value will be in the person you become as you strive to achieve it.

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